Monday, February 2, 2009

Are Internet Carriers Rip-offs?

Have you ever wondered why Internet carriers give you the option of choosing between DSL (a faster Internet service) and dial-up

Using dial-up Internet is like converting back to using beepers instead of cell phones. Obviously, everyone wants a more efficient service because the slower the Internet is the more you'll hate to use it, and then you'll be stuck paying for a slow service that you barely use.

Does it make sense to offer a low grade product when it isn't good? 

I'm assuming the high grade more expensive product is made more attractive, when you compare it to the low grade version; almost like a mind game. However, I say cut through the bs and give people what they want at an affordable rate. If a person pays twenty dollars for the Internet within a phone and cable bundled package, don't make the Internet service between $60-$70 dollars if we choose to not get the bundled package! That's such a rip-off! If you can give us the Internet for twenty bucks in a bundled package, then you can give us the Internet for twenty bucks without the bundled package, hint Comcast.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2009 LA

Friday, January 30, 2009

New Devices That Pry Into Your Privacy

Have you heard of the new GPS device called, Car Tracker Pro?

This device can be attached to the bottom of a persons car so if someone is trying to follow you, they can pinpoint exactly where you are at all times. What the hell! This product makes me just as nervous as the other product, where you can eavesdrop on someones conversation just being a few feet away.

Why was this device made let alone sold in stores?

Making it easier for crime to take place isn't cool. Records or some kind of registration should be obtained on every person that purchases this gadget, just in case police need to back track to figure out a crime.

Is this new technology being created to purposely harm Americans?

Pretty soon Americans will long to live in another country, especially if they don't feel safe and fear for their lives in this one. I encourage random checks on your vehicles because nowadays you just never know.

The The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2009 LA

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Update on Salmonella Outbreaks

Did you hear about the poisoned peanut butter?

Investigators reported that after inspectors discovered traces of salmonella in batches of peanut butter, that they hid the results and allowed for the peanut butter to be shipped out to stores anyway. Shouldn't  purposely poisoning Americans be a crime?

These poisonous peanut butter plants in the state of Georgia, have had numerous violations for years in which they've never corrected them. Other hazards identified at the plants were dirty equipment, the use of dirty utensils, and a hole in the warehouse where rodents came in. 

If these plants had numerous violations why wasn't this matter ever investigated? 

Where were the authority figures whose job it is to check, that the plants are to be clean at all times? Currently all peanut plants in Georgia are still under investigation, but the culprits that allowed contaminated peanut butter to make its way into retail stores should lose their jobs, and be charged with the crime of killing the people that died as a result of being poisoned.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

Update: Four have been accused in salmonella coverup.

2009 LA

Are Minorities Conditioned by Servitude and Obedience?

If you had it your way would you choose to be an employee, or would you choose to be the boss? 

There are those that are conditioned to work for others, there are those that like working for others, and there are entrepreneurs who'd rather work for themselves.

Slavery in the United States of America, definitely taught black people about servitude and obedience to their owners, so it'd make sense that one would think that in order to survive you'd need to look to your owners for work.

How many times have your parents told you to make sure you get good grades so that you can get a good "government" job? 

Furthermore, parents reinforced getting a government job because of the benefits and unions that come along with it. But how many Black parents actually tell their children to get good grades in school, so that one day they can own their own business? 

Personally, I was never taught that I could be my own boss and now that I'm older and wiser -- I understand why.

People teach what they know about and if your parents didn't know that it was possible to be an entrepreneur, then how could they make their children aware? If parents aren't given the necessary resources to develop this knowledge or if they're not looking for the resources, it'll be difficult to teach your children about it. 

I'm sure many of us have ambition to work for ourselves but when you work 1-2 jobs just to make ends meet, by the time you get home you would have already exerted all of your energy. The last thing you'd want to do is work on a plan for your own business, because you've just dedicated 8 or 12 hours of your life to another persons company.

However, if you are determined and passionate to be your own boss than don't beat yourself up over slow progress due to having other obligations, because every bit of progress helps you get to a next level. Just don't ever give up and eventually you'll achieve your goals.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2009 LA

Does President Obama Validate the Worthiness of Black People?

On CNN news a modeling agent stated that because we now have our first African American first family, that Black models are sure to find more work than ever before. 

Although I immediately jumped to defense when hearing what this agent had to say, the fact of the matter is that she made sense even if the truth made me angry.

It's been said that 2009 will be the year for Black people because it has never been before, almost like having a Black president suddenly validates the worthiness of Black people.

So if Senator McCain had won the presidency would Black people's worthiness still be non-existent? And why? 

The truth is that Black people have always been worthy, but have never been rightfully acknowledged for being so.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2009 LA

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Casinos and High Rise Hotels to Hit Georgia

Did you know that the state of Georgia plans to implement high rise hotels and casinos? 

People are losing jobs, funds for educational programs are being cut, and the country is on its way to a Great Depression greater than the first; but the greed continues.

Casinos and high rise hotels will soon adorn the heart of Atlanta, but how are these projects being funded?

Allegedly, one source that's helping to fund this major project is the Georgia lottery division. I guess it makes sense that the Georgia lottery would invest in more gambling opportunities, as a way of increasing their chances of higher revenues. But if the Georgia lottery can help fund a project to increase more gambling, why can't they also help to fund educational programs that are being cut due to the recession?

People need jobs, homes, food, clothes, protection from violent acts, new infrastructure etc. Does it makes sense to promote projects which will further put people in debt? And when this project is completed who ultimately reaps the benefits of all new revenue rolling in? Certainly not the residents of Georgia.

The state of Georgia has laid-off over twenty thousand employees and counting so to put money into a gambling project, instead of a project that helps to put people back to work reeks of sheer selfishness and ignorance.

Yes this project can and will create jobs within the casino/hotel industry, but gambling and domestic jobs taking the place of career type positions isn't necessarily improving economic conditions as most employers have been offering only low wage jobs lately.

I often wonder who were the people running the lottery systems. Maybe I'll do research into that and make it my next article.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2009 LA

Tax Fraud by Georgia Corporate Investors?

Home properties are selling for huge prices but smaller tax amounts are being paid. Why? 

In local Georgia news, this has been an ongoing investigation. Por ejemplo: a townhouse in Decatur, Georgia, was sold for $624 thousand dollars, but the tax amount being paid on the home is as if it sold for $75 thousand dollars! Of course the tax payment would be considerably lower on a $75 thousand dollar home, verses a $624 thousand dollar home. 

Another home in Georgia sold for $554 thousand dollars, but taxes are being paid on the home as if it sold for $105 thousand dollars! Does this not strike anyone as odd?

The assessors should investigate the personal investments and the living locations and/or addresses, of family and friends of the people who are in charge of making these huge "so-called" tax mistakes. 

Obviously, I don't believe these are mistakes but I do believe this situation happened due to greed and personal gain, if not directly than definitely indirectly. The value of the homes should be checked along with the actual prices paid.

Kudos to local Georgia news reporters for jumping on this matter. 

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2009 LA

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Salmonella Outbreaks in our Peanut Butter

Sudden outbreaks of salmonella keep popping up in our food supply. Why? 

A couple of weeks ago King Nut peanut butter was recalled for traces of salmonella, and then a few days later all products with peanut butter were recalled for traces of salmonella. Now the government is telling us to not buy products with peanut butter in it, but that it's safe to buy whole jars of peanut butter. What!?

This is reminiscent of when traces of salmonella were found in our tomatoes and jalapeno peppers, and then afterwards the government said it was safe to eat tomatoes and peppers again. 

Where does salmonella come from and how does it get into our food? 

Allegedly, the peanut butter products were traced back to a few Georgia peanut butter factories, but what are these factories doing to poison whole batches of peanut butter? Are they not cleaning the machines properly, are people not wearing plastic gloves and not washing their hands? Salmonella doesn't sound like something that's by accident, it sounds like something done on purpose. 

Recently there was an article on the country China, and how people were purposely tainting milk that babies drink everyday. Fortunately, these culprits were caught and locked up but not without killing off a few hundred innocent babies first. So it wouldn't surprise me if we had similar culprits of our own purposely poisoning Americans to kill us off. Can somebody say "population control?"

The peanut butter plants in Georgia should be investigated immediately, and someone needs to get to the bottom of this matter without delay. People have a right to their lives and we have the right to not have our lives taken, due to the mistakes and/or ignorance of certain individuals.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2009 LA