Monday, June 9, 2008

The Story Behind the "Brown" Penny?

While at home watching the Lakers play the Celtics, I have a packet of history notes and a dictionary in front of me.

I stumble across a quote by our 16th President Abraham Lincoln that read,  
"Wise statesmen...established these great self-evident truths, that when in the distant future some man, some faction, some interest, should set up the doctrine that none but rich men, or white men, were entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, their posterity should look up at the Declaration of Independence and take courage to renew the battle which their fathers began..." ~Abraham Lincoln~

In my head I attribute the latter to mean that some wise guys made up a certain law, which is shared amongst a select few, and decided that that law would be carried out by man or hidden entities who only have regard for one's own benefit or advantage; self-interest. 

And that future generations should read the Declaration of Independence, and be courageous in renewing the battle for equality as he himself had to do.

After this my mind went to the coins we carry in our pockets, and how only one was an anomaly. Abraham Lincoln, is the only president that has a colored coin. 

Surprisingly, the color is brown/bronze and the coin is a penny; the lowest denomination. I thought to myself why is
this? Then I remembered that Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery; emancipating all slaves in the South in which many white Southerners weren't happy about losing their free labor and as a result, Lincoln was assassinated.

Lincoln's presidency had to be documented but it would seem that a wise guy purposely made Lincoln's coin brown, as a way of calling him a "n***** lover?" 

During slavery if a white person defended a black person...that's what they were branded as. Was the brown coin a way of denoucing Lincoln?  
If you look closely Lincoln's face also glances to the right (for Republican), while the others look to the left (for Democrats, oh I'm sorry, Dixiecrats). Were they trying to call Lincoln a trader?

Think about it why does the penny have to be brown? Why can't it be silver like the others?

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2008 LA

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

American Hospital Gives Japanese Mobsters Liver Transplants

Imagine you or your loved one are in need of a liver transplant, and you both were admitted to the best hospital to have the surgery done. 

You're law abiding American citizens who are in desperate need of this medical assistance; it's a life or death situation. 

Now imagine the hospital you're admitted to refuses to do the surgery and instead, opts to do the transplant on four other people who are also in need of a liver. But what if the chosen ones weren't even law abiding citizens; what if they were Japanese mobsters? Are you confused?

If you're puzzled, is it because the latter seems to far-fetched too imagine?

Understandable, but this really did happen at UCLA (University of California in Los Angeles) where certain hospital specialists decided it was more important to give four Japanese mobsters liver transplants, while American citizens stood by dying due to the lack thereof.

Was somebody owed a favor?  

Or did somebody have "dirt" on another person and in order for the dirt to stay dirty, certain strings had to be pulled? I'm all for helping those in need but when an American hospital, doesn't help their American people, I say an investigation should be conducted.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2008 LA

Rachal Ray a Terrorist?

TV talk show host and cook Rachael Ray had a commercial pulled off of the air and the Internet, due to a scarf she wore around her neck that some felt resembled a scarf worn by terrorists! Wow. Who was the big boss with the brains that made this discovery?

Do you think Rachael Ray is a terrorist?

It's RACHAEL RAY! But then again there are folks who assume Senator Obama is a Muslim and possible terrorist, so I guess anyone can be labeled these days?

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2008 LA