Thursday, April 24, 2014

The City of Las Vegas to Receive Funding for Anti-terrorism

Reportedly, the city of Las Vegas is receiving one million dollars for anti-terrorism efforts and currently, there are about 17 project proposals that could get the money. 

And Metro could get some of the money for their fusion centers, which gathers and shares information. What is it that Jesse Ventura, said about "fusion centers" again?

The Things that Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2014 LA

Monday, April 21, 2014

Masters of Our Own

"This is the American way. We have never been victims of destiny. We have always been masters of our own." ~New Jersey Governor Chris Christie  

I've always been told that an animal absolutely must know the difference between themselves and their masters, which is the only way for them to obey. And if a dog is supposed to know that it has a master for obedience purposes, then is it safe to say that this is the "rule of law" in life?

1. Humans are master of animals.

2. Animals are masters of other animals. 

3. Humans are masters (bosses) of other humans within companies, tribes, sororities, fraternities, gangs, sports, education and government.
Then there's the 3 opposites that are a constant in this world; good, bad and evil. Humans and animals fall under all three categories, but what specifically do they have in common?

- Both are raised by their same species, as well as their opposite species. More often than not, humans raise animals because they have them as pets. And there have been rare events in which humans were actually raised by animals, but very rare.
 - Both can be raised by extended family.

- Both can be raised by strangers.

- Both can be raised alone.

What else do they have in common?

- Both can be taught differently ie, good/bad/evil.

- Both are opposites.

- Both are mixed together in the world; countries; states; cities; towns.

A notable philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche stated in one of his literary works titled Thus Spoke Zarathustra, that the main character in the book "Zarathustra" stated, "Ye may understand my gospel of good and evil, for that purpose will I tell you my gospel of life, and of the nature of all living things."

Zarathustra continued, "The living things did I follow; I walked in the broadest and narrowest paths to learn its nature."

[...] "But wherever I found living things, there heard I also a language of obedience. All living things are obeying things."

[...] "Whatever cannot obey itself, is commanded. Such is the nature of living things."

[...] "Wherever I found a living thing, there found I Will to Power; and even in the will of the servant found I will to be master. That to the stronger the weaker shall serve."

With regards to the latter, if "evil" knows this about living things wouldn't it be that much easier to deceive a people? How you ask?

Well, by simply using the above mentioned categories where "humans are masters of other humans" category? In the good/bad/evil category? Or what about the raising of opposites by other opposites?

In this world we're all mixed up like a bag of colorful M&M's where good can learn bad and evil, bad can learn good and evil however, "evil" itself is in a whole other realm in which it is believed that there's no coming back from it.

Of course we always hope and pray for "evil" to change, but it seems to remain prevalent within our education systems, our churches, companies, tribes and yes, even in our government. Evil always seems to make a comeback but so does good; thus the reason why both opposites fight incessantly amongst each other in pursuit of preserving its "category" and "order" of structure, ie, masters of our own?

The Things That make You Go Hmmmmm...

2014 LA

Friday, April 11, 2014

Life Challenges Like Football?

Our lives are usually marked by a set of really important moments that could either make or break a circumstance. 

When important moments happen in ones life it could be regarded in "football terms" as a touchdown, which simply means you finally gained traction and succeeded over an obstacle that was currently in the way.

"Fumbles" could be regarded as bad moments that deter us from overcoming the obstacles at hand, as life is full of precarious events. 

So instead of getting depressed over life's challenges (those you can control and others that you can't) simply remind yourself that just like in sports, you win some and you lose some as long as you strive to live too potentially win...another...moment.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm....

2014 LA

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wealthy American Rapes His 3-Year-Old Daughter and 19-Month-Old Son

Richard H. Roberts (seen above), a 47 year old, 6 foot 4 and 260 pound husband and father plead guilty to raping his 3-year-old daughter, in which the judge only gave him 8 years probation because she felt that he "would not fare well" in prison. What?!

This sounds like it may be another case of "affluenza", which simply means being to wealthy too be jailed. Of course this notion is absurd but in courtrooms across the nation, being very rich seems to get you out of trouble a lot quicker than if you were poor.

Originally, the judge had sentenced this pedophile to 10 years in prison, and at the last minute she changed her mind. But could it have been the sound of a huge wad of cash flipping in her ear that got the judge to rethink her sentencing, or does she really feel that this person would be destroyed by prison?

In my opinion his character, reputation, and definitely his mind, were already destroyed when he decided to look at his daughter the way he should be looking at his wife. And now his ex-wife Tracy is not only suing her wealthy husband for raping their 3-year-old daughter, but also for raping their 19 month old son as well!

This child rapist should be behind bars and nowhere in the public realm, as it is imperative to make sure that he can not do this to someone else's child.

The ex-wife's attorney had this to say, “This self-confessed, admitted rapist and child abuser didn’t go to jail and, in fact, he stays in luxury where he’s always been,” said the lawyer, Thomas C. Crumplar.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2014 LA