Showing posts with label Holy wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy wars. Show all posts

Friday, August 15, 2014

GOP Extremists and Muslim Extremists: Are They Really That Different?

Do you know what I've come to realize?

That although the extreme right-wing within America, constantly cry out that all Muslims are terrorists and that we should fight them at all costs -- putting our troops in harms way to obliterate the terrorist agenda from the Middle East; it would seem that many of our own American right-wing extremists share the "same" agenda. What do I mean?

What is the commonality between extreme far-right republicans and the extremists within the Muslim regime?

Both groups seem to hate societal change, therefore -- fighting to stay regressive instead of progressive with regards to women's rights, keeping the poor oppressed as a means of instituting supreme superiority which gives way to war and destruction, greed, and the use of ancient religion to make their points seem valid.

I also find it interesting that in our American Holy Bible, it speaks of stoning people to death for being disobedient or for adultery, however in America, I've never heard of anyone being stoned to death at least not as of late -- but do you know where I've recently heard of this kind of activity happening? 

That's the Middle East, by the hands of Muslim extremists. I'm assuming that stoning people is also apart of the Quran? Fascinating that Americas "Christian" Bible and the Islamic "Muslim" Bible would share such similarities...wouldn't you say?

Granted, American women unlike many Muslim women -- can pretty much wear any kind of outfit we'd like, we're free to get an education, to drive, to show our hair, and can even contribute financially to our households. However, there was a time in America when none of this was possible for women, so we have indeed come a very long way and if we didn't fight for change -- we'd probably still be living our past. Which is why it's extraordinarily important to stay progressive.

Moreover, if we understand that there is good and bad in all kinds of people; good and bad Christians, good and bad Muslims, good and bad Jews etc., then wouldn't it make sense for the good people to align with the good and the bad to align with the bad? 

Couldn't bad American Christians align with bad Muslims or bad Jews in order to plot and plan attacks against the good Christians, good Jews, and good Muslims? Can you imagine having one of your own people (bad) send misinformed messages abroad to other "bad" people, simply for the purpose of carrying out horrible crimes for ones advancement? 

And then can you imagine those bad people injecting their ignorant followers with more propaganda, as a means of having their missions carried out?  

I guess if so many historical firsts hadn't recently happened it wouldn't have made me look to the past for answers -- such as the mass closings of abortion clinics, the turning back of civil and social rights, the seriousness of climate change and how the earth is getting hotter as the ocean is becoming more polluted, the ramp up of police corruption and violence, witnessing the least productive congress in American history, and of course having our first black president.

We've had some great historical firsts and some bad...but my goodness when the bad gets bad -- it's really bad.

On a side note: Do GOP extremists exploit Muslim extremism so profusely to the public, as a way of deterring people from the fact that the two groups aren't that much different?

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

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