Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How to Control Your Negative Feelings

We've all been there before; there are times when you have good days and bad days, and it almost always seems effortless to stay positive on our good days -- but what about our bad days? Is it effortless to stay negative?

Actually, it takes more energy usage to be negative and stay negative, than it does when you naturally feel happy. Think about it; on a bad day you may frown (it takes energy to scrunch up your face), you may throw something (it takes energy to physically throw things), you may curse someone out (it takes energy to yell and scream), or you may just sulk in your own misery which causes all kinds of negative -- and at times evil thoughts to occur.

Once you begin spiraling into the abyss of dark negative energy, it takes that much more energy just to pull yourself out of the slump that YOU created; that's right, no one else created it for you but YOU.

It never feels good to feel bad which is why more often than not -- people prefer to be and stay happy. Some people equate happiness with love, or material things, or opportunities, or getting your way, and we almost always forget to equate happiness with waking up everyday, or being blessed with good health, or having unfettered access to clean water, or not being hungry, or being grateful for having a roof over our heads and clothes on our backs -- you know...the simple things that would be absolutely detrimental if we didn't have them.

Life is complicated yes, and we will always have obstacles as obstacles are inevitable -- however, when you find yourself going to the "dark place" for whatever the reason may be -- just remember that there are other people who have it way worse than you and the fact that you woke up in a bed, under a roof, with food, water and energy to get your day started...should be enough to put a smile on your face while thanking the lord above for giving you a chance to try, try, try again.

For me faith and my spiritual guiders is what steers me clear of negativity when I feel it coming on. If you're a person who isn't a faith believer, maybe meditation would suit you well -- because it's literally a calming process that will allow your negative feelings to dissipate, while giving you complete solace in your ability to make it through to the next day.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2014 LA

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