Saturday, May 11, 2013


We can not move forward in society if a Conservative minority, will do whatever necessary to stop the Democratic majority. 

Let me rephrase that by taking can not out of the equation, because history strongly suggests otherwise. Throughout the years our prejudices and judgements of one another, have long fueled our strongest battles within the United States.

Though these battles still exist, somehow the severity of these obstacles have lessened with each decade that passes. We're beginning to LOVE more than we HATE.

To some it may seem as if HATE takes center stage more often than not due to the recent senseless tragedies that have occurred, but only because tragedy wants a show whereas love doesn't need one.

Because love can be humble and peaceful, people often take it for granted or take its silence as weakness. But love explodes in places unimaginable and can submerge the hardest of hearts.

We're almost there!

The more we work together and sacrifice together, the more we fight our battles together and unite as one around a common sense greater good, the better chance we stand to erode evil and the horrific and loud tragedies associated with it. 

Prayers to Boston, Newtown, Aurora, Oklahoma, Chicago, Columbine and Waco, and to all the countless and nameless faces that also fell victim to such atrocities; we stand with you, we sympathize and empathize with your pain, and above all we love you!

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...

2013 LA

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