Monday, October 13, 2008

Homeless and Forgotten

While contemplating one of the country's biggest issues of homelessness I realized something. 

The government claims there isn't enough money to help homeless people so churches, non-profits, and other small organizations usually deal with the homeless issue at hand. They do this by providing house supplies, food, clothes, and even shelter.

How ass backwards is the government for giving away hundred's of thousand's of dollars in free products to wealthy people that can afford it? 

Every now and again shows on TV will publicly display expensive goodies given away to a wealthy select few; like a fashion designer creating clothes that only the rich can afford. But wouldn't it make sense to develop products that all people can afford, that way no one is left out? The product prices are bragged about on camera and it leaves me asking the question, "why can America afford to give free money and products to the rich and famous, but not the homeless and forgotten?" 

A White House Representative commented that our government uses 81 million dollars of taxpayer revenue to fund Hollywood. So the American taxpayers are picking up the tabs for the wealthiest Americans! 

Senator John McCain's campaign has been based on "freezing funds" for the middle class, but regarding wealthy individuals receiving free goods - - maybe this is where Senator McCain should consider using his "freezing" method. If the government cuts back on giving so much money to the rich, then it can go to the people who are really in need. The funds can also develop new programs geared towards getting the homeless back on their feet and becoming productive citizens of society.

Where is the government's priorities if it isn't focused on helping one another for the greater good?  

When will government realize that the same American people who hold this country together, are the same people they're beating up on? 

A good example of this? 

When FEMA withheld 85 million dollars of domestic supplies from Hurricane Katrina victims over the course of 2 years, and then gave the products away for free to other organizations that didn't even need them! Now you tell me that there isn't anything wrong with our government's priorities.

The things that make you go hmmmmm...
2008 LA

1 comment:

  1. EXACTLY, the American government constantly bites the hand that feeds them, but then kisses the feet of the terrorists and Mid-easterners.... TRAGEDY


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