Tuesday, July 6, 2010

91-year-old Found With Two Corpses In Her Home

             Jean Stevens holds a photo of her with her dead husband

A 91-year-old woman was found living with the corpses of her husband and twin sister. The woman was told that she'd be allowed to keep the bodies, but only if she installs a mausoleum or crypt, a prosecutor said Tuesday.

Jean Stevens, has indicated through her attorney that she plans to build an above ground vault on her property, to store the bodies of James Stevens and June Stevens, according to Bradford County District Attorney Daniel Barrett. "If she does that, the bodies will be released for that purpose," he said.

Stevens previously told the Associated Press, that she kept the embalmed remains of her loved ones because she wanted to be able to see them and talk to them. She also said she's claustrophobic, and couldn't stand the thought of their bodies in caskets in the ground.

State police discovered the corpses in mid-June. The body of James Stevens was on a couch in the detached garage, and the body of June Stevens was on a couch in a spare room off the bedroom.

Stevens had them dug up shortly after they died; James in 1999 and June in October. Jean tended to their remains at her rural property outside the northern Pennsylvania town of Wyalusing.

A decision on charges could be made as early as Friday, and authorities are looking into several possible violations, including misdemeanor abuse of a corpse. There was also possible summary violations of the state health code, which regulates how bodies must be disinterred. Police haven't said who retrieved the bodies.

Okay, how did she take the smell of dead bodies in her home? How could she watch the skin from the bodies deteriorate until the bone was exposed? I understand missing your loved one's, but this was going a bit far.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

To see the news clip to this article click here.

2010 LA

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Great Myth of Hard Work

Growing up your parents try to prepare you for the real world by teaching you the facts of life. 

"Make sure you keep your grades up." 

"Make sure you go to a good college." 

"Make sure you always do your best, in order to be the best at whatever you do." 

"Strive for success." 

"Hard work pays off."

Really? Does hard work really pay off? Does trying your absolute best guarantee you success? 

In some cases this may be true. But what about other cases, when you work hard and give 100% at all times and you continue to be screwed over? 

Sometimes you're screwed over so much, that you have to stop and look at yourself to make sure you're not the one who's screwed up

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Through experience I've learned that giving 100% hard work and dedication can sometimes be detrimental to survival. 

Imagine this; going for a position, being told you have the skills for the position, being told that you must train for the position for two weeks with no pay of course, but then afterwards you'd be hired. 

After giving 100% hard work and dedication and even doing your soon-to-be bosses job better than him or her, you're told that you're no longer good enough for the position. 

Has this ever happened to you? Has your intellect, positive work ethic, and ability to do a job better than most resulted in a firing, demotion, or just plain being used?

What do you think would bring on such a horrible action? You know you've done your best and are repeatedly told by the higher authority that you're phenomenal, perfect, a leader, and great at what you do but you need more experience at being perfect. 

Huh? Wouldn't that puzzle you too?

My conclusion to this madness is that there are some authority figures who fear strong, intelligent, and phenomenal individuals. 

You being the way you are is a threat to their existence. They fear if they bring you on board that you might show them up, and make it look as if they're not doing their job. Or maybe they're more afraid that you might take their place instead.

So what should you do?

Should you not give 100% on a job, in order to appear weak so you won't pose a threat? 

Should you kiss ass? 

Should you play dumb to make your boss feel like they're smarter than you? 

Or should you just be less vocal in the workplace?

Yea, I know. This all sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it? 

It's kind of reminiscent of slavery when "ole massa" forbid the Africans from reading and writing, fearing that they would gain to much knowledge and somehow become smarter and wiser. 

Dumbing yourself down to make another person feel better about themselves should never be an option, never! You only short change that person as well as yourself.

So should you find yourself in a situation such as this, hold your head high and remember your worth. Take the experience as a mental note to make you stronger, and know that there is something much better waiting for you. And don't worry, those that treat people poorly because of the power they possess will eventually lose. 

Es verdad.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2010 LA

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Lesson In Love...

I understand what it means to love so much until it hurts. I've physically felt the pain in my chest and had my breathe completely taken away, as the thoughts of every moment my love and I encountered one another played back in my head like a movie. Every thought took me back in time, reminiscing about every moment that made me fall in love.

After I come to, I look up at my sweetheart lovingly and with a smile in my eyes. I stroke my partners face gently with the back of my hand, our eyes meet and we both smile, and I mark yet another moment that I have fallen in love, again.

Lesson: Sometimes we forget how amazing our better halves are. It's easy to take each other for granted being around one another every day and becoming to comfortable. But it's important to stop and think back to the good times, besides, you never know how much time you have left. Wouldn't you want to spend your last days with someone or something worthwhile?

Recognize your blessings.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2010 LA

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Working Poor in America

Can you imagine having a job but still being broke?

Having a job but still being hungry?

Having a job but still being evicted?

Having a job but still not able to save?

Having a job but waking up everyday not knowing if you still have a job?

These are situations I've encountered from conversing with everyday hard working people. Its a harsh reality that no one should have to endure.

At my current place of employment, I meet people who ask me for food due to not having any money to buy a lunch. I meet working people who ask if I have anything extra in my fridge that I don't want, so they can feed their kids that night. 

I met a young lady who was due to give birth in two weeks, and didn't have anything for her new baby coming -- not one thing because she couldn't afford it. I meet people who live in motels, because they can't afford an apartment or furnishings.

These stories break my heart, and pisses me off at the same time. When there are drastic situations such as these, that's when the employer should take a stand and do something. 

There should be food drives at places of employment for those in need. How degrading is it to come to work everyday for eight hours, and not be able to feed yourself?! How does an employer expect anybody to work on an empty stomach?

I plan to either start a union or write a very detailed letter to the president of the company about this matter, just in case the CEO is out of touch with what many of his workers are currently going through. 

It's time to shine some light on the dark areas of certain establishments.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2010 LA 

Update: This facility I previously spoke of has been shut down, due to a class action law suit. As I said before, the light will eventually shine in the dark areas.

BIG Hearts Can Make A BIG Difference!

While on a personal mission to save the world in my head, I use to think I had to be rich in order to help people. 

My problem was I wanted to help so many people at one time, which often kept me stressing over not having enough money to do it. I began to realize that my heart was just really big, and not having enough money shouldn't stop me from doing the little things that can make a difference.

Even if you're not financially well off, giving what you can is better than nothing. It can be as little as donating canned goods to a local shelter, or ten dollars for gas to somebody that needs it, a ride home from work, a compliment, a smile, acknowledging some one's hard work, or buying a homeless person a hot meal.

I know first hand about these things because between my spouse and I, we've done all these things and more but it always felt like it wasn't enough. So we'd play the lottery a few times, in hopes of hitting to have enough money to help needy people all over the world. 

Big dreams I suppose, but it never stops us from wishfully thinking about it. So until that magical day we'll be happy giving what we can, until we can really give what we want. You should do the same.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2009 LA

Monday, November 9, 2009

The COSTCO Racist Doll

In Greensboro, North Carolina, John Taylor and his wife Donna recently visited a COSTCO and couldn't  believe what they saw perched on the shelf for sale. 

A baby doll being hugged by a monkey with the doll's cap stating, "lil monkey!" The Taylor's have recently launched complaints with COSTCO corporate headquarters and although their efforts succeeded in getting the doll pulled from the Greensboro store, the doll is still for sale in Winston Salem and likely other locations within the state.

Why would a well known corporation like Costco jeopardize their reputation to sell such a product? How was this particular item even approved for sale? 

This product clearly sends the wrong message and should be discontinued immediately. Call the COSTCO headquarters and demand that this product be removed from their shelves without delay 1-800-774-2678. It's the "Cuddle Baby" product #404860.

The things that make you go hmmmm...

2009 LA

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What About God's Grief?

Going in and out of one of my deep thoughts, I began to think of all the crime and corruption that takes place in the world. All the mass murders, robberies, discrimination issues, and so on and so forth. 

Just thinking about every episode that takes place breaks my heart. There are so many people that claim to believe in God, but then go out and shoot someone the next day. 

Hurting people is never okay, whether you do it physically, mentally or verbally.

Then I thought and what about God's Grief? We only see and hear a portion of the negativity that goes on in the world, but God sees everything, EV-ER-Y-THING!

Just knowing that should make most people stop, and second guess the nature of what they do before they do it. 

Knowing that you'd be hurting yourself and others is bad, but knowing that you'd also be hurting God should make it worse.

Can you imagine watching all the suffering, illnesses, deaths and corruption happening in every single person's life? 

It'd be enough to drive you crazy -- well if you have a heart it'd be enough to drive you crazy. 

But what about God's Grief? 

God has to endure every single thing, every single day! And although I'm grateful that God can endure all the pain for us, it still makes me feel bad that it even has to be that way.

To all out there that believe in God but continue to be vicious, evil, and hateful; STOP! Think before you lash out, and above all always remember that God is watching you.
The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2009 LA

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Does Passing a Drug Test Define You?

When hired for corporate positions drug tests aren't administered however, if you're hired at a McDonald's, a Target, or Walmart, drug tests are mandatory. Why?

Are drug tests only given to hourly workers because minorities make up the majority of the workforce? Wouldn't it make sense to drug test a person that handles huge merger deals, or a vice president that runs a banking institution, or what about our elected government officials? 

For years there were stories swirling that former president George W. Bush had abused serious alcohol and drugs -- specifically cocaine, but of course we'd never know because he didn't have to take a drug test after landing the most powerful position in the world! I think it's fair for a president to take a drug test. As a matter of fact, the harder the job the more it makes sense to take a drug test. 

Even former president Bill Clinton was known for smoking marijuana while in office, but that fact was widely overlooked and instead he was pinned for cheating on his wife!

Comedian D.L. Hughley (seen-r) once commented in his stand up comedy show that, "The more fu**ed up your job is, the harsher drug you should be able to use!" 

Hughley also stated that if you're a janitor you should be able to tie off every now and again. Now of course those are just jokes and no one is expected to take him seriously, but his point is taken.

If you're a cashier at a fast food restaurant there isn't to many things you can mess up, but being the president of a corporation you can bankrupt an entire company while causing thousands of people to lose their jobs behind a serious drug addiction. 

I've surveyed people in "hourly rate" positions or who had what is deemed "regular jobs," and asked them if they used drugs and if so, what kind and why? The response was overwhelmingly the same; marijuana was widely used and they either hated their jobs, or they were stressed from financial instability and depression which smoking for them helped to release their anxiety. 

Knowing the latter made me wonder if their financial and job situations were different, would this make them stop using drugs? And when affluent people use drugs are they only doing it for recreational activity, as they often bare no financial concerns?

Who knows but either way the argument still stands that corporate and government officials, should be drug tested just as hourly workers are; them being rich shouldn't be an excuse as it distinctly defines drug users as being your average Joe, and that isn't fair.

The Things That Make You Go Hmmmm...

2009 LA